Sunday, March 12, 2017

Placebo Effect

Recently, a 12 year old girl asked if she could interview me regarding "The Placebo Effect" for a school science project. Although I have some knowledge of this effect, I am by no means an expert, but, I thought I would wing it and help her as best I could with my limited knowledge. The same day she said she wanted to interview me, I happened to hear a radio program on NPR called "HumanKind."
The whole entire program was on the placebo effect (serendipity).

Unfortunately, I heard only the tail end, but fortunately, I was able to peruse YouTube and found the same physician, that was being interviewed on the radio show, lecturing on this very topic. His name is Dr. Wayne Jonas and the video I found is priceless. I recommend health professionals or anyone, for that matter, to watch this video. FASCINATING!!!

Friday, March 10, 2017

Dietary Strategies for Fat Loss

Granted there are no "One Size Fits All" diets for weight (fat) loss but the following 4 strategies may help:

1) Consume no more than 35 grams of sugar/day (ask Siri or google to determine sugar content of foods).

2) Eat only when your hungry (visceral) and don't eat to get full.

3) Eat an adequate amount of protein (1 gram/kilogram of your body weight [~1/2 your weight in pounds]).

4) And lastly, remember this "Lean, Green, and Marine."  Consume Lean meats (grass fed), green vegetables, and fish (salmon)!!